There's something unsettling about Land Acknowledgements.
Read MoreLand, Stanislaus County, California, 2008 (by Ken Light)
Belonging to the Land: An Exchange
We exist within a system in which unconstrained capitalist freedom and general human welfare are being revealed to be antithetical. It strikes me intuitively that deep down none of us is at all surprised that it is in this moment that land emerges as posing the most pressing and fundamental issues concerning the universal human project of creating and preserving value itself.
Read MoreFamily portrait, photograph from The Poor White Problem in South Africa.
Carnegie Corporation of New York and Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University
Poverty, Race, and Land: The Carnegie Study on Poverty in 1930s South Africa
The Carnegie Commission investigators were faced with a troubling problem and it had to do with the history of conquest and its relationship to land. The conflict between African ethnic groups and the encroaching European settlers, Dutch and English, always turned on the question of land and labor.
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“This Is the Train to Penn Station. The Next Station Is: Penn Station”
Even if I got the job it wouldn't change anything. Was I even going into the city for a job? It’s hard to tell. I couldn’t remember. Those days were over, where I knew what was happening or why. Nothing felt good anymore.
Read MoreGraffiti in Wynwood (Miami, FL)
Call for Submissions to the Next Issue of Oppositional Conversations: Enough
In a moment of now. Where we are caught between feeling ourselves to be sufficient even without the promise of a future and paralyzed by the overwhelm the world lays upon us day after day. In this moment between I am enough! and I've had enough!, we invite you to join us in expressing what needs saying
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